Every time I find a lost box I think it must be the last one. Last week brought yet another, the Au Ver a Soie and Soie d'Alger silks. I decided to make assorted color packs since we have only one or two of each shade. The number of skeins varies because there are two different yardages and price points. By the time I was down to the light and dark brown packs there were extras, but not enough to make a third pack, so those two have bonus skeins. I think these will appeal to those who embroider. It is almost inspiring enough for me to put my other projects aside, draw flowers on some linen, and pull out my Erica Wilson embroidery books. Almost. So to help me not do just that, I put the packs on sale so that they leave here before I change my mind. Look for Au Ver a Soie and Soie d'Alger packs, there are quite a few to choose from!
Also, look for some fun promotions in April. We are preparing to head to the Netherlands the first tow weeks of May, and we would like to make up for the lost shop time before we go.