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Travel news!


I just sent out an email where once again I forgot to actually add a 'catchy header" and sent it out with the header "add a catchy header". How many things can I attribute to spring fever? The news is Janna and I are heading to the Netherlands April 28 - May 13. Orders to be shipped must be in by April 25, and curbside pickup will end on the 27. All orders after that will go out the week following our return. We are open for all our regular shopping and assistance appointments, small classes, until then. Oh, knit blocking must be in by April 20 if you want it back by the 27th.

We are so thrilled to be making this journey. I have heard Janna's stories of home since I was 21. At 60 I finally have a passport and we have our tickets. Now we can be there together to see the towers, canals, cheese market, tulips, museums, villages. It is a lucky life we lead, surrounded by yarn and other beauty for our work, and now a marvelous trip as a break.


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