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I grabbed my pencil and favorite source book, went out to the patio, and played. The $2.00 I spent on this book years ago has been a great investment. The effect I am after is old, worn wallpapers, so I do a washy paint job, do minimal stitching, and for the first bird asked the finishing geniuses at The Spinning Wheel to back it with a shiny aqua colored fabric. I love the work they do. Each of the three bird pieces will have a different background. This may be about creativity, this may be about a short attention span. Who knows. So, that's the lecture for now. If the image on your canvas is floating in white space and you want to add a background, do it! As I said yesterday, I am happy to help, let's talk (email)!

Happy stitching ,


PS, I am featuring Gift Hints to Drop now through Mother's Day on our Facebook and Instagram pages. New kits, old kits, accessories, things you may like to receive or just give yourself. The new ones show up as new products on the site.

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