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Nothing but Gratitude


A week to myself, house sitting in San Francisco - no television, no cat boxes to clean, no car. Just a writing pad and good pens, two books to finish reading, and hours of meditation. I even talked myself out of packing knitting or needlepoint projects knowing I would not touch them. Bliss. I used Instacart for the first time because a girl needs a rotisserie chicken, some wine, coffee, and plenty of veggies. The garden was full of blossoms, including my favorite poppies for drawing and painting. I earned all this by filling the green can with weeds, as you know, it is always more fun to pull someone else's weeds.

And now back to it with my shoulders a little further away from my ears and my sleep tank nearly topped off. We have orders to ship out, and special orders arriving, stitches needing to be picked up, and fibers to pull for needlepoint. And no complaints!


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