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We have more friends than customers


This business has brought the privilege of being with people at the class table for decades. We have shared births and marriages, moves and losses. And today we were told of a loss. Our Wednesday evening needlepoint and Friday morning knitting friend, Cathy Douglas, passed away over the weekend. It was quite the shock. Took my breath away for a minute. She was no nonsense, loved her kids, was a big part of her grandchildren's lives, and always had a few projects going. We had a little joke between us that we brought up every month or so. A few years ago she was having a wellness check with her doctor. She was asked if she was okay on her own for a few days, and her reply was "Well, I'd sure like to find out." We laughed and laughed about that. I used to tell her to go ask for a Two Days Away prescription. Every time I returned from my dog sitting gigs at the coast she would ask how I did on my own. We agreed that married people need little breaks too. So, no more than the usual lessons here than life is unpredictable, and we should enjoy one another while we can. But one tires of the opportunities to learn these lessons. This was a gut punch. I am grateful for a quiet morning here, so that we will not just gloss over this with the requisite retail brand of cheer. Oof.

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