When this adventure of becoming an online business began I was still etching pattern notes on stone tablets. The first pass at adding knitting needles to the site was a mess. So, I pulled them down. As of yesterday all the circular knitting needles are back up, and I am working on the single point needles today. We are figuring out how to order the needles that are currently out of stock, in the meantime you can call or email me and I will be sure to order what you need. We have access to all the Chiao Goo, Knitter's Pride, Brittany, etc. Please do not hesitate to ask! 559-227-6333 or jannasneedleart@gmail.com.
Happy knitting or stitching!
I love your post Ms. Norla!!! Needles to say ..... yours truly (can't help my curiosity) went on to the ChiaoGoo site and just a little bit of needle trivia ... The meaning of ChiaoGoo is "highly skillful and crafty lady".... actually named after the lady who did the test knitting with the ChiaoGoo needles back in the day. Kinda fascinating.